Monday, January 3, 2011

Drudge: Downpour in the Desert

 I found this article via Drudge Report written at the UK's Mail Online:

"The Metro System scientists used ionisers to produce negatively charged particles called electrons. They have a natural tendency to attach to tiny specks of dust which are ever-present in the atmosphere in the desert-regions.

These are then carried up from the emitters by convection - upward currents of air generated by the heat release from sunlight as it hits the ground.

Once the dust particles reach the right height for cloud formation, the charges will attract water molecules floating in the air which then start to condense around them.

If there is sufficient moisture in the air, it induces billions of droplets to form which finally means cloud and rain."

Read more:

I heard recently about Wyoming's recent experiment which caused their environment to have much more snow than normal in an effort to reroute the resulting water to parched Califronia.  It worked beautifully apparently, although a neighboring state complained that they suddenly experienced terrible drought, suspecting the cause was the geo engineering experiment...

Pretty Skies!

Shortly after the persistent contrails over a three day period, (followed by a few days of forecasted clouds & rain)
today we have beautiful, clear blue skies!

We're pretty sure that this is a sign of global warming though...


This is what things looked like on 12-31-10.  This shot was taken in a different area of the backyard because that's where I saw the plane at the time. You can clearly see 
the bright blue ski or what's left of it.  

Taken at 5:22pm

Taken at 5:41pm

Taken at 5:53pm 
You can see a little blue sky left in the upper right corner, but the persistent contrail has created a large, cloud covered area leaving us artificially overcast.

Friday, December 31, 2010

12-30-10 Persistent Contrail/Chemtrail Time Lapse

Taken at 10:57 a.m.

 Planes were visible though not in this particular shot above.  They fly very hish in the atmosphere and are barely visible. This shot is facing east into the sun. Theplanes continued making several more trails which plumed into a sky, completely full of gray clouds. I also observed this on the western side of the house as well so that by early afternoon were under total cloud coverage. Before they started the entire sky was clear and blue. These artificial clouds were formed from the trails that were created.

Taken at 11:33 a.m.
They fly high in the atmosphere and are inaudible. 

Taken at 12:15 p.m.

Taken at 1:10 p.m.

Small Beginnings

I'd heard about persistent contrails, also known by some as "chemtrails" about two years ago, but I'd never seen any in person...until this week. I was out right before sunset, which I normally don't do because, well, I hate rush hour, and I was stunned to see, in the western sky, directly over the sun, a huge swath of, criss crossed persistent contrails. Many of them were old and pluming into clouds, but others were in the process of being made (we could see the planes up in the sky).  A look on either side of this area show absolutely no trails or cloud coverage at all. It was all in one concentrated area.

When I told my son about it the following morning, he decided to check out the skies around our home. Sure enough, there were two planes visible, in the process of creating persistent contrails.  We watched the planes create them, then in a matter of one hour, the entire sky was completely gray where just an hour before it was pure blue without a cloud in sight.
Whether these are chemtrails (as some government documents have mentioned) or they're persistant contrails, logic tells me that it's artificial and probably not beneficial to the health of humans, insects (like honeybees), animals, plants or the soil.  If indeed it's a chemical being sprayed as some trails I've seen in videos appear, or not, the lack of sunlight reaching the soil and life on earth is potentially hazardous. The sun is vital for growing food properly and beneficial to our bodies, as we absorb vitamin D this way. During the Industrial age, rickets was on the rise due to the unnatural, nearly continual lack of sun!  We just don't know what they are doing, as geo-engineers discuss the "possibility" of putting sulfur or aluminum in the atmosphere via planes in an effort to "save the earth".  It doesn't help that it's perfectly legal to experiment with these things at this time. I'll take my clear blue skies back, thank you.

So, after discovering this in my own backyard - literally,  I've decided to keep a log of what I'm seeing in our area of Virginia. Your comments are welcome.